Since we introduced Madigan to the wonder that is Playdoh, she has been hooked. She especially likes playing Playdoh with Daddy since his creations are so much cooler than Mommy's. For example, I make a snowman out of three rolled up balls of Playdoh; he makes an igloo complete with Eskimos and penguins. I make a flat flower; he makes a 3D floral bouquet. You get the picture. But, I'm not at all bitter... Anyway, for Christmas Madigan got some new Playdoh sets (an ice cream shoppe, Dora/Diego activity mats and games, etc) and has had a lot of fun playing with them. Showing off her Playdoh fingernails..."Eating" a Playdoh ice cream cone (with the fingernails still on, mind you)...The best part has been the conversations that have come out of these play times. She's quite imaginative when it comes to her Playdoh creations. Last March, I posted this video with the header "I think we have a talker"
10 months later, I'm pretty certain of it... (Excuse her crazy hair - she got to stay home with Daddy for another "ice day" yesterday and it was a relaxed, stay-in-your-pajamas-all-day kind of day. Yes, I am jealous.)
That's a lot of information, huh? I can already hear the phone conversations between her and her buddies when she's 13. Wow...
I feel like I got a lot of lessons on colors, animals, cartoon characters, and people in her life. You have to tell me more about this Frinkle Playdoh!!!
I feel like I got a lot of lessons on colors, animals, cartoon characters, and people in her life. You have to tell me more about this Frinkle Playdoh!!!
she definitely doesn't need a lot of prompting to tell you all about it!
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