Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Tree and Party Pictures

We've now celebrated Christmas #2 and #3, but before I post pictures from them, I have several random pictures to post.

A few weeks ago, we headed out to pick out our Christmas tree. Madigan worked with Ted to pick the perfect tree.
Paxton ventured out by himself and had his own opinions of what tree we should get.
We finally agreed and got home with the tree. Madigan worked diligently to decorate it.
Paxton decorated the floor by scattering ornaments everywhere he went.
Showing off the final product
Two crazy kiddos and their Christmas tree!
A few days later, Madigan's school had their Christmas party. Ted and I both got to attend this. The kids started out singing some songs for the parents and then a "special guest" came to see them!Here's Madi with Santa. Just for the record, she did have a clip in her hair to hold back her bangs. Apparently it had come out by this point in the school day. I really wanted to sneak up front to clip it back in, but Ted wouldn't let me.
Since the party was on a Friday, Will got to join us. He really liked the food!
Paxton decided to do a little reading while we were there. I think he was trying to convince Mrs. Marti that he was ready to go to school too!
We did get some cute pictures of Madi with the most wonderful teachers ever.

Madi and Mrs. Marti
Madi and Mrs. Carolyn
So much Christmas fun and still so much to come!!!

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